Inclement Weather and Emergency Closings
We follow Cherokee County school system closings during inclement weather.
Severe Weather School Closings
In the event of severe weather during the school day or previous night, the decision to dismiss or not to dismiss classes will be made by the administration and FBCW Security staff. The Timothy Ministry follows the Cherokee County School lead: if Cherokee County Schools are canceled, we are canceled.
Parents should tune to local radio and television stations for announcements regarding school closing, delayed opening and/or early dismissal.
Timothy Ministry administration will notify parents of school closings/early dismissal in one or all of the following ways:
FaceBook: closed group – The Timothy Ministry @FBCW
Email and/or text through ParentsWeb "PARENT ALERT" (Please update your demographic form!)
Website Announcement at
In the event of EARLY DISMISSAL due to bad weather, you will be notified in one of the ways stated above and the protocol to follow:
If you hear via radio or TV that Cherokee County Schools are closing, PLEASE head IMMEDIATELY to the church to pick up your students from theirclassroom.
We know many families live great distances from Timothy Ministry. Based on the weather forecast and notifications in your area, it is to the parent’s discretion as to come or not come. PLEASE know that if you notify teachers of your concern and situation, they will be more than happy to accommodate and send any assignments, lectures, etc.
We will do everything possible to keep you informed.
STUDENT DRIVERS will be dismissed at first announcement of early dismissal. Please stress the importance to your student that they leave immediately and do not stick around tosocialize.
ALL GRADES K – 12th will remain in their classrooms with the teacher until picked up by a parent (UNLESS he/she is a STUDENT DRIVER – all student drivers will be released immediately at first announcement of earlydismissal).
Please go to your student’s classroom to pick them up (PLEASE have a copy of all your children’s schedules handy so you know where they are located).
SUGGESTION: Take a picture of your child’s schedule or bag tag and save it on your phone. This will greatly help the situation go quickly and smoothly.
Once you have picked up your child, PLEASE DO NOT allow them to wander the building or re-enter the building without being escorted by a parent. You must stay with them at all times.
If you text your student to meet you at your normal pick-up spot (this is for 3rdand up ONLY who are allowed to be dismissed alone), we have requested our teachers to verify the text on their phone before allowing them to leave the classroom. In other words, the text needs to be from “Mom” or “Dad.” If your student doesn’t have a phone, we are asking that you go to the classroom to pick up.
Typically, with any school closing, when the announcement is made for dismissal, parents are given 30 minutes or so to pick up a child. We will give you those times tomorrow in the communications listedabove.
If your student is not picked up by the designated end time, their teacher will take them to the A110 hallway where they will be supervised by administration and monitors until picked up. You, the parent, will need to come in the A110 hallway or drive-under (located on the left-side of theA-building).
If you have not picked up your child by the designated end time, we will begin calling you AND any emergency contact you have listed on your Medical Consent Form.
PLEASE DO NOT leave your car unattended if you are not parked in a parking spot.
Since the campus has multiple programs on Tuesdays, please do not park and block the passageway between the A/B buildings and the W building where WeeSchoolmeets.
The FBCW campus is a reunification site for all Cherokee County Schools. If one of the schools should have to relocate to the FBCW campus on a Tuesday that Timothy Ministry is in session, we will notify you for immediate pickup. Timothy Ministry is required to close.
PLEASE don’t hesitate to email with any questions. Your safety and your children’s safety are of utmost importance to us. Thank you, in advance, for your help should this situation arise.